Champions are not born, champions are made but everyone is born with a potential of becoming a champion if the potential is discover and developed. Here at Champions Chapel International, we are committed to helping you discover your potentials, recognize your gifts, develop your grace and walk in your destiny. We're glad you are here, we just want to ask you to sit back, get ready and discover our world-The Champions World. God bless you! Champions Chapel International is the church arm of David Adeboye Ministries Inc.
As much as the post-modern secular culture is trying hard to prove that the Church of Jesus Christ is irrelevant to 21st Century society, God's idea for the church is unchangeable. The Church is where God's Presence becomes manifest on earth; where you grow into the full stature of the Son of God. It is where you learn the principles of the oracles of God. So you cant just go anywhere. You have to be in the right atmosphere where you are supernaturally positioned to receive what God has for your life at every point in time. Many people drive one hour or even more each week to be at Champions Chapel because they have realized that the seasoned Word and the impartation of the anointing to empower them to live victorious life is worth the drive.
Champions Chapel is a Spirit driven and people centered church. We are called to build people, to empower people and to raise Champions. Regardless of race, social status, ethnicity, we value each soul that walks through our door, because you are the church, not the building.
When you walk through the door of Champions Chapel International, the first thing you feel is the Agape love of God. Presently, the Church has multi Nationalities and we merge together into a beautiful spiritual harmony. The Praise and Worship is really electric. Hands are raised high, tears flow down people's eyes and you can literally feel the energy of His Presence in the atmosphere.This set the tone for the Holy Spirit to move among us. Don't leave your dancing shoes at home cos the praise can get really groovy. A big high point of the service is the deep insight of the Word preached and taught boldly in a charismatic way. Champions Chapel is a prayer and prophetic Church. We train our members in all dimensions of intercessions and supplications, including the art of spiritual warfare.
From this point on, the Holy Spirit releases His glory. He heals people that are sick, creates pathway for people out of their problems, release an accurate and specific prophetic word about an individual. Its just usually amazing.
We will like to see you in Church this Sunday. You don't have to travel half way around the world to experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The glory is already here in Houston.